The next day, I got to Dunoon at about the same time but because the weather was nice, I decided to walk through the town to the stadium this time instead of taking the bus. The Main Street of town was shut down to traffic and crowds were not only making the same journey as I was, but milling about town with shops and restaurants open and other vendors around.  I got to the venue just as Pam and Dave messaged me telling me that they were in the patron tent but that she had spoken to the guy at the door and she thought they were going to let me in to join them.  How very thoughtful of her.  The athletics were just about to start and the view from the other side of the field was better to watch, so I let her know that I was going to watch from the other side for a while until the stone bleachers got too uncomfortable and then I would try to join them.  

When I went to the tent a bit later, I mentioned to the man at the door that my friends had spoke with him about me joining them and he directed me to their table.  They had the best table in the house with just three chairs around a smaller table this time and a great view of the events.  I congratulated them on getting such a good table and Pam said that if we all took turns manning the table while one or two of us explored now and again to see the different events, we could keep this table all day.  Which we managed to do even though the tent got quite busy.  Throughout the day, I alternated between watching from the tent and getting up close for all of the different competitions. 


At the end of the day of festivities, I bid farewell to Pam and Dave and we said we would keep in touch. I even got a picture of me with the winner of the athletics!  I walked back to the ferry terminal again and to the apartment. 

I would have one day of rest and laundry before getting on a train to make my way to Edinburgh.

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