It was real hot the next day but I decided to do one of the Free City Tours that are common in big cities where you only pay about $5 for the tour but then you are supposed to tip the guide whatever you feel it was worth. I found the group in the Grand Place, the name of the main big historical square. We all introduced ourselves and where we were from, there were about 10 or 12 of us I think, and to my surprise, there were two young ladies from Colombia on the tour. We spoke a bit in Spanish and I found out one of them was from a small town in Boyaca that I have actually been to- Tipasosa. She was shocked because hardly anyone has heard of or been to this town. However, she had not heard of Guadalupe.

The tour was quite nice and after some more wandering, I headed back to the hotel to work for a bit before I had to head to the bus/train station. I had arranged to store my bags at the hotel and asked if they would allow me to work in the lobby after my check out. When it was time, I headed to the bus station and when I got there, I realized, I had no idea where to catch my particular bus and could find no signs to help me out. I was taking FlixBus. I can’t believe I didn’t think to do recon when I arrived so I would know exactly where to go and I almost panicked but as I was circling the outside of the station with no luck, I saw a kid on a bike and asked him if he knew and he directed me around the corner. I made it with minutes to spare but of course, the bus itself was late so I ended up waiting around for at least 15 more minutes for the bus to arrive. There were not assigned seats and the first leg was very crowded but after the first or second stop in France, it cleared out a bit and for the majority of the night, I had a row to myself so I tried the best I could to find comfortable positions and get some sleep. I dozed off and on for most of the night.